Neuro-Development Centre

Humans never cease to learn, whatever the age. This is the principle of Neuroplasticity. The human brain continues to grow and form new connections so long as it is presented with the right opportunities.

Neurodevelopment is a term referring to the brain's development of neurological pathways that influence performance or functioning e.g. cognition, reading ability, social skills, memory, attention, concentration, etc. Effectively everything a person does on a daily basis such as reading, writing, listening, watching, is contributing to the neurodevelopment of the brain.

Deficits in the natural processes of neurodevelopment are typically characterized by disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Motor Disorders, Global Developmental Delay, Communication Disorders, and Intellectual Developmental Disorders.

The objective of neurodevelopment is to improve the learning process through a variety of programs, which identify and strengthen weak neurodevelopmental units.

We consider each child/ young adult as a complete, unique person, rather than just someone with a set of “symptoms” that need to be corrected. The goal is to achieve the highest level of functioning that is possible for the individual.

Academy of Learning and Development, Neuro-Development Centre

ABMNM Intensives

Academy of Learning and Development, Neuro-Development Centre

Arts-Based Therapy

Academy of Learning and Development, Neuro-Development Centre

Integrated Listening Systems

Academy of Learning and Development, Neuro-Development Centre

Brain Gym